Solving the Uncomfortable Truth
Surgeons Face Every Day
Until now, surgeons had no way of knowing during surgery whether blood flow distribution (both perfusion and flow) had actually been achieved. Instinct, experience, and the human eye were the best options they had. But not anymore.

Validate your instincts and clarify your vision. Perfusio’s AI-enhanced Multi-spectral Physiologic Visualization (MSPV) platform delivers immediate real-time analysis and visibility on blood flow and perfusion. Augment your vision with expanded insight with critical data feedback—in immediate real-time
With immediate access to objective, repeatable analysis, surgeons can make more confident decisions when it matters most — during a procedure.
Certes is:
- Accurate — Objective data
- Fast — Real time vs. 4-6 min. of waiting for dyes and contrast agents
- Safe — Non-contact vs. invasive fluorescence imaging
- Repeatable — Image before, during and after the case as often as needed with no wait time in-between sequences.
Objective data
Non-contact vs. invasive fluorescence imaging
Real time vs. 4-6 min. of waiting for dyes and contrast agents
Repeat as often as needed
Objective data
Non-contact vs. invasive fluorescence imaging
Real time vs. 4-6 min. of waiting for dyes and contrast agents
Repeat as often as needed
Our proprietary software analyzes every image and provides quantitative blood flow distribution data.
- This unique combination of AI-enhanced imaging and analysis has never existed before. Benefit from continuously available, tireless support–the kind your brain would provide, if it could.
- Future predictive analytics will give surgeons objective data.
- And the best part? Repeat imaging as often as needed.

Our Innovative Platform Is Designed to Deliver …
Safer procedures and better outcomes
Better decision-making at the point of care with automatic, on-screen visualization
Provider Facilities:
Fewer unnecessary complications, higher quality of care, greater patient satisfaction
Sustainable reduction in complications, lower-cost care paths, better defined accountable surgical care practice
Our Innovative Platform Is Designed to Deliver …
Safer procedures and better outcomes
Better decision-making at the point of care with automatic, on-screen analytics
Provider Facilities:
Fewer unnecessary complications, higher quality of care, greater patient satisfaction
Cost-effective with fewer repeat procedures, readmissions, and corrective follow-up care
Case Study: Gastric Tube in Preparation for Esophageal Replacement

Near-Infrared Fluorescence (NIRF) vs. Certes
This intraoperative assessment of gastric tube perfusion shows the advantages of using Certes instead of standard near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF). During this surgery, NIRF imaging required the injection of ICG dye, which binds to blood proteins and over time circulates to target the tissue of interest. With NIRF illumination, ICG fluoresces in blood and tissue to illustrate perfusion in the gastric tube.

Near-Infrared Fluorescence (NIRF) vs. Certes
This intraoperative assessment of gastric tube perfusion shows the advantages of using Certes instead of standard near-infrared fluorescence (NIRF). During this surgery, NIRF imaging required the injection of ICG dye, which binds to blood proteins and over time circulates to target the tissue of interest. With NIRF illumination, ICG fluoresces in blood and tissue to illustrate perfusion in the gastric tube.

This procedure demonstrates the necessity of accurate visualization.
Recent research shows that 63% of esophageal replacement procedures result in postsurgical complications — primarily, leakage, stenosis, and poor vascularization. Since this procedure is needed frequently in patients with cancer, strictures, perforation, lye ingestion, Barrett’s esophagus, recurrent tracheoesophageal fistulas, and achalasia, accuracy is vital.

This procedure demonstrates the necessity of accurate visualization.
Recent research shows that 63% of esophageal replacement procedures result in postsurgical complications — primarily, leakage, stenosis, and poor vascularization. Since this procedure is needed frequently in patients with cancer, strictures, perforation, lye ingestion, Barrett’s esophagus, recurrent tracheoesophageal fistulas, and achalasia, accuracy is vital.
Store Images Easily for Further Review and Study
Images from Certes are sent to our cloud-based image repository and surgeon web portal powered by a trusted technology platform from ARMUS Corporation. Up to 10 imaging sequences can be stored for postprocedural review, ongoing learning, and remote consultation by colleagues in other locations.
We designed this revolutionary technology with an adamant belief in the power of learning and sharing knowledge. We believe this is the only way to elevate patient outcomes to the highest level possible.
Future developments currently under investigation expand our platform’s ability to use machine learning and future predictive analytics to expand the automatic analysis performed on every image.
Armed with even more data, surgeons can proceed with even more confidence.

Store Images Easily for Further Review and Study
Images from Certes are sent automatically to our cloud-based image repository and surgeon web portal powered by trusted software from ARMUS. Up to 10 imaging sequences can be stored for postprocedural review, ongoing learning, and remote consultation by colleagues in other locations.
We designed this revolutionary technology with an adamant belief in the power of learning and sharing knowledge. We believe this is the only way to elevate patient outcomes to the highest level possible.
Future developments currently under investigation expand our platform’s ability to use machine learning and future predictive analytics to expand the automatic analysis performed on every image.
Armed with even more data, surgeons can proceed with even more confidence.